Sunday, September 20, 2009


(In Indianite Italian Style)

250 gm mushrooms
½ kg chicken, 1 cup tomato purée, 1 onion sliced thinly
1 tbsp garlic/ginger paste, 2 tbsp red chili paste
1 tsp roasted dhania powder
1” long 7-8 piece ginger thinly sliced
4-6 garlic flakes
2 tsp hot red chili sauce
1 tsp tomato ketchup
½ cup grated cheese, ½ cup macaroni
½ cup cooking oil, 1 cup butter
A bunch of coriander leaves finely chopped

Boil the macaroni and keep aside. Cut the chicken into small pieces, melt the butter and rub on chicken, keep aside for 20 minutes.
Wash and cut the mushroom in equal size and sauté it in a pan, keep aside.

1 Now heat the butter with 2 tsp cooking oil, add the chicken and let it be cocked on simmer for 10-15 minutes.
2 In another pan, heat remaining butter with 2 tsp oil, add garlic flakes finely chopped and sauté it, add onion and cook till golden brown, now add tomato purée and cook till oil start separating.
3 Add red chili paste, dhania powder ginger, and salt to taste, cook till it is done, and add some water if required.
4 Add chicken, mushroom and sauces, cook on simmer till the gravy is thick and chicken is finally done
5 Garnish with green coriander leaves and macaroni, serve hot with Nan, roti or parantha.

copy right reserved
Lalit Niranjan

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