Sunday, September 20, 2009


¾ kg chicken cut into pieces
50 gm badam (Almonds)
¼ cup milk
1 tsp saffron, ½ nutmeg
2 onion slice finely
1 tsp cumin seed and turmeric powder
1 tsp black pepper
¼ cup oil, 2 tbsp desi ghee
Salt to taste.
Keep badam in hot water for some time, peel the skin, and make a smooth paste with some of the milk. Now mix the saffron with remaining milk and add to the paste.
1 Heat oil in a pan, deep fry onions, remove and keep aside on tissue paper to absorb the extra oil.
2 Now heat the ghee in a pan add chicken and cook on slow flame till the color is of the chicken has changed and it is light brown, add remaining masalas and cook till oil separates, add badam paste and simmer till the gravy is of desired thickness
3 Garnish with the fried onion, serve hot with Nan, or Roti.
copy right reserved
Lalit Niranjan

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