Sunday, September 20, 2009


I do not think that any recipe book is complete without the preparation of prawn now days, therefore it is also essential to know about prawn.
In 302 B.C. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher wrote about the enjoyment he received after eating the prawn.
Prince Henry, the famous 15th Century Navigator, liked the prawn so much that he named the country Cameron after the Portuguese word of prawn.
There are approximately 350 breeds of prawns found world wide, the prawn fishing is done at night.
The Bengalis in India are simply crazy for the prawn and so the population from all over the country.
The prawn can be eaten as a snacks as well as full meal.
Try the prawn head stock which has unique and completely different more characteristic flavors for the base of the glace.
Prawn can be cooked in different style and with different ingredients, you prepare in any kind with any recipe, it is the beauty of the Prawn is that always taste wonder.

Here is a LAZIZ dish of prawn


½ kg medium size prawn
¼ cup onion paste
1 tsp garlic paste, 1 tsp ginger paste
¼ cup red chilly paste
¼ cup yoghurt, ¼ cup tomato puree
½ tsp black pepper, dhania powder
½ tsp turmeric, red chilly powder2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp fresh cream
¼ cup mustard oil (Preferred) or any other veg oil
Salt to taste
2 tsp badam (Almond) paste
2 tsp kaju (Cashew Nut) paste
A bunch of coriander leaves

1 Wash the prawn, take out the veins and marinate for ½ hr with lemon juice, salt, turmeric, red chilly, and black pepper powder.
2 Heat oil in a kadahi, deep fry the prawn, remove and keep aside.
3 Now add tomato puree and onion paste to the oil and cook for some time, add ginger, garlic paste, dhania powder and cook for few minutes
4 Add yoghurt and red chilly paste and cook till oil separates, add a little water and let it boil, add prawns and cook till it is done till the gravy is of desired consistency, finally add badam and kaju paste, cook for few minutes, remove from the heat and add fresh cream to finish the dish.
5 Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with steamed rice.

copy righr reserved
Lalit Niranjan

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