Sunday, September 20, 2009



½ kg Chicken
6 tsp crushed pepper corns
2 Onions finely chopped
2 Tomato finely chopped
2 tsp lemon juice
½ turmeric powders
3-4 flakes of garlic finely chopped
2-3 Cloves, 2 Bay leaves
1 Cinnamon stick,
2 Cardamom (optional)
1 tsp Ginger garlic paste,
4-6 Green chilly
Salt to taste
¼ cup Oil

1 Heat the oil and sauté the onions, when they are tender add the ginger garlic paste, garlic flakes, tomato, turmeric powder and mix well. Add little water till the onions and tomato cook well.
2 Add chicken and water, cook for some time and then add crushed pepper and salt.
3 Stir it well and cook till the chicken is cooked, finally add green chilly and cook till the gravy is of desired consistency
4 Serve hot
copy right reserved
Lalit Nirannjan

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